Preparing for a half marathon. And the marathon is no joke when you are over 40.

Running, lifting, biking, and martial arts is the regiment I use.

I created a brutal workout of the day which is not for the faint-hearted called the beast.

1️⃣ 50 Squats 20 rounds. I do goblet squats using a 35-pound kettlebell.

2️⃣ 10 thrusters 20 rounds using 25-pound dumbells.

3️⃣ 10 front Lunges using a 25-pound kettlebell 20 rounds.

4️⃣ 10 back Lunges using a 25-pound kettlebell 20 rounds.

5️⃣ 10 pull-ups 20 rounds.

I do the Beast 2.0 in 60 minutes. It will break you, spike your dopamine and endorphins and have you walking like a cripple, but it’s an amazing mountain to climb.

Give it a shot for your game.