Big picture goal vs detail is specific.
Big picture people focus on Vision, Purpose & Mission. Detailed people focus on the Plan. Understanding both is important. We must have macro goals – a why. But creating a plan is important – the how. If someone wants the big picture doesn’t go into too much detail. And if someone wants details don’t gloss over information.
Matcher vs mismatcher, same vs difference, agree vs disagree, negative vs positive.
Some people look for things that relate, others look for differences. A matcher is easy to build rapport with. Someone who mismatches will make us work. Listening to how a pessimistic glass-half-full person operates will give us information to match. Pace, then lead.
Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory.
We all sort and are motivated differently through our senses. Listen for clues. I see what you’re talking about (Visual). I hear you (Auditory). I feel like I need a change (Kinesthetic). Olfactory and Gustatory are not as common.
Uptime vs downtime, intellect vs gut feeling.
People that make decisions by looking at sensory information are known as uptime. People who followed their guts and known as downtime.
Sensors vs intuition.
We all sort and are motivated differently through our senses. Listen for clues. I see what you’re talking about (Visual). I hear you (Auditory). I feel like I need a change (Kinesthetic). Olfactory and Gustatory are not as common.
Black, white vs grey.
Black and white people don’t look at the grey which can be positive & negative. If we have strong values & rules and live by a code, that’s empowering. Being black & white is useful. When it keeps us locked in distorted thinking and fixed, it can be disempowering if someone has an all or nothing, black and white fixed mindset. We have to be flexible to find a way to match and mirror. Always starting with modalities helps the matching process.
Permeable vs impermeable.
Permeable people are easily influenced. Impermeable aren’t flexible. Depending on our values and rules it’s good to have a balance of both. Again like black and white, all or nothing thinking, listening for modalities will give us a way into matching.
Screeners vs non-screeners, focus vs distracted people.
People that screen stays focused. Non-screeners, on the other hand, are easily distracted. If we are talking to someone and they are looking at us in the eyes and focusing on us, they are a screener. Someone who is distracted and seems busy is a non-screener.
Why origin vs how solutions. Having a why is important.
Being stuck in why something has happened to us can be disempowering. Have a why. Understand why then move to the how. How can I learn from this situation? How can I grow from this experience? People that stay in the why me, become victims. People that understand the why and move to how to become solution-driven. If someone is stuck ruminating over a past bad experience, it’s important to understand then show them possibilities.
Best case vs worst case. Optimism vs pessimism.
Some people look at opportunities to grow. Others look at what could go wrong. Worst case people need security. Best case half full people look for growth and possibilities. Entrepreneur vs a manager.
In building rapport with others, we must understand we all sort things differently. If we listen to people we can usually understand how they sort information and then look to mirror and match. In order to pace and lead, some people think the big picture, others want details. Some people look for similarities, other differences. One person might sort visually, another might be motivated to feel or has to hear the details. Stepping back and listening to how someone explains their experiences in life allows us to match and build rapport.
Extrovert vs introvert: Extrovert likes to be around others. Introverts like to spend more time alone away from people. Ambivert people like a balance of both. When you want some mental rejuvenation do you turn towards others for support? Or do you turn your intention inwards?
Independent, team player, manager, bureaucrat or follower?
What is the environment in which you would flourish? Do you prefer working with people, systems or things?
In general, an Introvert will prefer working with systems and things, and an Extrovert will prefer working with people. Therapists who work one-on-one with a client will most likely be typed as an Introvert. In general, Extroverts derive more energy and subsequently greater job satisfaction from working with many people rather than an individual.
Introverts will manage a team differently to an Extrovert. As you think about this, you have to keep in mind how the other meta programs combine to form personality type and behavior. An introverted team leader will probably have their attention more on the structure of the team and how it works as a system to get a result. If a team member does not come up to standard in supporting the team to achieve the desired result, then they may be replaced.
Whereas an extroverted team leader may have their attention more on the person. If the team is not performing to the required standard then the members may be supported to develop the necessary skills to achieve the outcome, or the outcome may be changed.
Do you prefer working with People, Systems or Things?